
The above document governs the running of the FSA. It was amended in January 2014 to reflect changes made to the original Mem and Arts following member votes (described below).


The alteration is as a result of a members vote for a written resolution to change our company objects and we had a complete majority vote – 145 voted and all in favour, no no votes and no abstentions. The voting details were sent to members on 11th December 2013 which subsequently closed on January 9th 2014. The written resolution was to change our objects, resolution 4, to;
“The advancement of education for public benefit through promotion and support of quality Forest School in the United Kingdom using any means to enable all children, young people and adults to benefit from increased opportunities for high quality and varied educational experiences in the natural world.”
Resolution 28 was also changed to read; ” The minimum number of directors shall be three but (unless otherwise determined by ordinary resolution) shall be subject to a maximum of twelve”. Members were sent voting details on 28th September 2013 and the voting ended on 11th October with results notified at the AGM on the 12th October. The voting results were: 55 in favour, 1 against and 0 abstentions.

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